How Insight2Profit Is Scaling Their Dynamic Team With Upstart 13
Insight2Profit, a leading pricing strategy firm, specializes in delivering complex pricing solutions that drive advantageous business outcomes for their clients.
Naturally, delivering the level of service and return on investment that Insight2Profit clients expect requires an exceptionally talented workforce. When Insight2Profit needed to expand its team, its members turned to Upstart 13 to guide their talent acquisition strategy.
The Story
Insight2Profit is a leading pricing strategy firm whose work involves intricate analysis and strategic pricing of products and services, demanding a high level of expertise and specialized knowledge.
The firm provides sales enablement guidance and pricing optimization solutions designed to make products and services more appealing to consumers.
Insight2Profit relies on advanced analytics processes and data-centric strategies to deliver intricate services to its clients. The result is appealing pricing models that account for industry demand, competition, and consumer preferences.

The Business Challenge
The core challenge for Insight2Profit was sourcing talent that could not only grasp the complexities of pricing strategies but also contribute to the innovative solutions required to keep their clients competitive and profitable.
Traditional recruitment channels often fell short, given the specialized nature of their work. Insight2Profit needed professionals with a specific skill set who could navigate the nuanced landscape of pricing strategies effectively.
Our Solution
Upstart 13 stepped in to address the talent acquisition challenges faced by Insight2Profit. With a deep understanding of the specialized nature of pricing strategy and a network of highly skilled professionals, Upstart 13 was uniquely positioned to assist our client in this endeavor.
Our three-pronged approach included:
Since the inception of our strategy, Upstart 13 has successfully placed 14 professionals in key roles within Insight2Profit. These new team members have significantly enhanced the data engineering and pricing strategy capabilities of the client, enabling them to scale their operations, take on more complex projects, and deliver enhanced value.
Moving forward, Insight2Profit will continue working with Upstart 13 to support its talent acquisition needs. We look forward to delivering ongoing value to our clients by connecting them with skilled professionals who align with their culture, values, and strategic needs.

Why Insight2Profit Chose Upstart 13
Several of Upstart 13’s team members made their way to the organization from Pros Pricing, which is one of the world’s top pricing groups. As such, Insight2Profit’s leadership knew that our team has members with the skills necessary to find people who could thrive in the fast-paced and high-stakes pricing analytics environment. .
About Upstart 13
Upstart 13 offers a suite of bespoke services, including talent acquisition and management, analytics, business intelligence consulting, and tech development and implementation. We scale the scope and focus of our services to align with the unique needs of our clients, thereby delivering exceptional value and a powerful return on investment.